Participant 4

“I always need to go with my mother to her workplace because she doesn't want me to stay home alone since we live far away and in a rural area, I always need to go with her and do my schooling from her workplace.” 

Age: 15

  • Gender: Female

  • Ethnicity: Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano

  • Racial identity: White/ Mexican

  • Town/ County: Sanger, 93657 

  • Education Grade: 9th- 11th grade

  • Occupation: Student


Selected interview transcript

This interview transcript has been modified for clarity and conciseness.

Esta entrevista fue conducida en inglés. Para leer versión en español de las preguntas y respuestas, haga click aquí.

What brought you to the San Joaquin Valley? Is it where you would like to stay or your children to stay? Why or why not? 

I was born here. No, [I would not like to stay] because of the pollution, bad air quality. I want to live up on the mountains. I want my children to live somewhere where the air quality is good.

Describe your life 10 years ago as compared to now. Consider the following: community, neighborhood, personal changes or improvements.

[Parlier] got a community clinic that is student-friendly close to the high school, a new park, new restaurants, and local grocery stores were improved with more quality food.

If you could change one thing from your typical day, what would that be and why? What would make your day easier?

Something I would like to change is being able to stay home and do virtual learning from home without having to leave my house. Since I always need to go with my mother to her workplace because she doesn't want me to stay home alone since we live far away and in a rural area, I always need to go with her and do my schooling from her workplace.  (note: interviews conducted during height of COVID pandemic with schools closed)

What did you want to be when you grew up? If you have children, what do they want to be? What/where do you want them to be? What are your dreams for them? What do you see as obstacles to them achieving these dreams?

I wanted to be an artist and then an engineer but now I want to go into the medical field and become a therapist or a psychologist.

If you were elected to office (County Board of Supervisors or mayor) and had unlimited power to make any changes you thought would improve your community or your environment, what would be the top 3 things on your agenda? County Board of Supervisors?

(I live in between both cities - on the outskirts)


  • Have big garbage bins where people can dispose of their unwanted furniture or large items instead of throwing them out on the streets or sides of the roads.

  • Add more street lights so people could feel safer.

  • Bring back the Police Chief and hold the mayor accountable for firing the police chief for personal issues.

In Sanger, I would:

  • Fix the road - Central Ave. (Cross street: Newmark Ave). It is very bad and full of potholes.

  • Bring in more food restaurants.

  • Plant more trees to try and improve the air quality.